Monday, March 11, 2013

The Biography of Juan Quintanilla

 Juan Quintanilla was born on October 1, 1994 in a remote island off the coast of Australia. His parents two herpetologists part of a special team from all around the world, brought  in to search for new animal species. Growing up Juan had only the wildlife and the kids of the other scientists to hang around. Together they all attended classes specifically designed to mold them into expert herpetologists. Juan being at the top of the class went on his first research adventure with his parents and other scientists at the young age of 12. A natural he was, he had the ability to show dominance over each species found and encountered. Variations existed in these species from lizards to snakes. Life on the island was not easy each expedition was dangerous, he soon realized this when he lost his best friend to a venomous snake bite at the age of 17 a tragic event he soon had to overcome,because once he turned 18 he took charge of all island activity and became a legend everyone looked up to on the island. By the time  he was 30, Juan had discovered over 25 new reptile species and had contributed so much to herpetology that he had become the  richest herpetologist with a net worth of 15 Billion.the first purchase he made was to buy the island, he named it Charles Island in memory of his best friend. A year later, Juan decided to retire all future expeditions to the island and now only allows other herpetologists to enter the island with given permission;no tourism is allowed. Juan bought 4 Mansions around the world  in California, Spain, Brazil, and Italy. At the age of 35 he met Ana a fellow scientist, they got married and had 4 kids. Juan currently maintains a permanent residence in California and many of his discoveries are displayed in museums around the world.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Culture Industry: Enlightenment as mass deception

The age of enlightenment is perceived as being deceptive. The purpose was not fulfilled and was changed by society and became a norm individuals conformed to.A kind of totalitarian approach that was not what was supposed to happen according to Adorno and Horkhiemer's critical theory. They believed that mass domination was taking over aspects of life especially culture. The culture industry is believed to have become unified. For example from a technological standpoint objects are created for everyone in society no matter who you are. At first they seem to vary and each have unique features, but they all have the same common purpose and that is to contain dominance over societies interests.When you think about it we as consumers get  only what the producers create for society. When it comes  to film they vary highly from comedies to horror movies, but still all serve the same purpose and are rated for a purpose and that is to create an idealistic theme within society. a theme that expressed the fact that filmmakers leave little for the viewer to find out all movies now have anticipation in them based highly upon how they are classified. Society is controlled by deceptive individuals that make us feel as if the way we classify everything around us is the right way. We are in a sense engaging into practices and making purchases just because we are comfortable with what culturally is expected.    

Walter Benjamin and Mechanical reproduction in art

Works of art are viewed differently, two forms of analyzing art is analysis based on cult value or on exhibition value. Both these forms differentiate from one another. Cult value indicates that these objects are significant and considered art because of their existence and meaning, the fact of someone being able to view them is perceived as being irrelevant. For example the fact that they are there for a religious purpose.  Exhibition value is art that is exhibited in a transformed state. Transformation meaning that the quality is increased to show maximum view to the public. This is clearly seen in photography and film. Benjamin is opposed to  "art for arts sake" because he believes that mechanical reproduction of art produces the destruction of what he calls the "Aura". The Aura is an implied  meaning of authenticity therefore Benjamin believes that authenticity is only brought into consideration when an artist wants to mechanically reproduce a work of art that is already in a "cult" state. In film the camera changes an actors authentic presence, what we see is the depiction that the producer wants us to see based upon how the camera is used. The sense of perception is changed.