Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Sons of Anarchy

An FX hit the television show "The Sons of Anarchy" leaves alot of thought provoking questions for the television universe. A series centered around a motorcycle club group that follows their own laws and commit illegal crimes to earn profit. A culture were men are the top dogs and females are expected to kneel before them. To come to terms to the relationship between a club member and a female one must realize how they qualify women. There's the women that they keep around for pleasure, and then the one "special one" that they refer to as their "old ladies". Stereotypes are a component of predjudice and in The Sons Of Anarchy this is shown clearly. Rivals are refered to as what people infer about some racial groups. An example would be a rival motorcycle crew that are called the mayans, and of course they are refered to as "the Mexicans" on a regular basis. Also hate crimes based on race are shown throughout showing how certain people are expected towards one another because of color. Shows like this create some Bigotry for some young citizens in our communities. It creates biased views that reflect only certain sides and is based on opinions by the producers of the show about other races,genders, and cultures. young individuals are influenced and develoved bigot states of mind in which they are highly intolerant to any other beliefs that aren't their own. One must have an open mind to see the big picture when it comes to evaluating what the producers are protraying for the sake of a successful show compared to what happens in actuality.

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